How I Stay Productive as a Stay-at-Home Mum
Does anyone else feel SO good when they have had a productive day? I know I do! It took me a while to figure out a rhythm to this stay-at-home mum gig. Being a stay-at-home mum is far from easy, and unless you have a good idea of how to make the most of your time, your day can become pretty chaotic and stressful (I’ve been there!). When I first became a stay-at-home mum, I felt a little lost. Time management was a skill that I had to re-learn when a baby came into my life. I knew what I needed to get done each day, but then I’d get to the end of the day and think “what have we done all day?”
Now I obviously have days that are a lot more productive than others, and if your raising a baby or toddler, you’ll know what I’m talking about! Every day is totally different, and it is challenging (to say the least) to be super productive every single day.
However, I am now nearly eight months into parenthood, and I wanted to share with you five tips that personally help me to have a more productive day.
Make your Bed!
I find it’s almost impossible to have a productive day if I do not have a productive morning. Your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day, so you should always start as you mean to go on. For me, this starts with making my bed. I read somewhere a few years ago that “making your bed can change your life”, because you are accomplishing the first, small, simple task of the day. This is so true. Making my bed gives me a small sense of pride, and motivates me to do another task, and another task. So, if you are one of those people who don’t make your bed every morning - start doing it! It literally takes two minutes, and I can guarantee you will feel motivated and encouraged after.
2. Make a To-Do List
Either the night before, or while you’re having a morning coffee, decide what you’re going to do that day, whether it be doing the laundry, getting to the grocery store, or going to that mummy and me class. Write it all down. Then once that task has been completed, you can check it off your list! I can’t be the only one who gets satisfaction from crossing things off a checklist… Lol. Try and get 2-3 things done every day, no matter how small the task may seem. By the end of the day, you will feel so good, accomplished, and you’ll know your day counted for something.
3. Stick to a Routine!
In this chaotic world that we live in, life with young children can easily drift into an erratic, crazy survival mode. You’ve probably heard the saying; “children thrive on routine”, and it’s totally true. Up at 7am, feed, awake time, nap, feed, awake time, nap, bath by 6:00pm, read a book, bed by 7:00pm. This probably sounds familiar, right? Well, this is because routine offers children familiarity, security, and safety.
However, I don’t know about you, but I actually need routine in my life just as much as my daughter does. I am a creature of habit, and I thrive on routine. Mila is now nearly eight months old, and I really do feel like I have this whole routine-thing nailed. Of course, I have days that are a complete mess and I definitely don’t have it together all of the time. But generally speaking, I put a lot of effort into making sure Mila has a good routine, so that I also have a good routine throughout the week. Routine gives us “order” in our some-what manic life, and this is something that I seriously CRAVED when Mila arrived in the world. It just gave me a sense of normalcy.
4. Follow a Regular Nap Routine
If you follow a regular nap time routine, you will be able to get things done around the house that you don’t necessarily have time for when your baby is awake — like cleaning, laundry, loading the dishwasher (all that fun stuff). But these are things that can easily slide when you have a baby or toddler running around the house! To me, there is literally nothing worse than my house being messy. If my house is in disarray, so is my life. It honestly gives me so much satisfaction getting all of my housework done while Mila naps (talk to me when she’s two… LOL).
5. Exercise
Okay, I know exercise isn’t necessarily for everyone. But I’m not just talking about the HIIT classes, or the Barry’s Bootcamp, and all of those classes that make you feel like death. I’m just talking about activity, even if that’s getting outside and going for a 30-minute walk (around the shops… Haha). Exercise improves your mental health and overall wellbeing, it helps to put me in a positive frame of mind and be more productive. It is so important to take care of yourself post-baby, and I don’t think this is always talked about enough. I recently read that being active after pregnancy can help prevent and manage symptoms of post-partum depression, which I can absolutely believe. Regular activity also makes you feel less tired, and more energized — all of us new mumma’s need that, right?! Sometimes while Mila is napping, I will turn on YouTube on our TV in the living room and do a 20 minute HIIT class, or some yoga. It makes me feel good, it’s only 20 minutes, and afterwards I feel ready to conquer the world and face whatever my day throws at me!
What are some of the things that help keep you productive as a stay-at-home mum? Let me know below!